Our lacrosse programs are guided by our Life Skills Curriculum - designed to compliment traditional education with real-life lessons. With our Life Skills Curriculum, lacrosse provides kids with a safe space to play and learn intentionally.



Lacrosse the Nations' life skills curriculum focuses on the principles that we as athletes learn and acquire from playing sports—often times outside the specifics of the game. These include work ethic, motivation, response to failure, ability to work with others, handling peer pressure, personal health, confidence building, and self awareness.

The curriculum serves to teach life skills through lacrosse as well as a series of games, team building activities, challenges and reflection—consciously intertwining the playing field with the daily routines of the children who participate in our programs.

Lacrosse the Nation’s life skills curriculum is an integral part of each domestic and international program.  To ensure success, our curriculum is adapted based on the needs and desires of each location.

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How practices Are Organized

Each class is divided into three sections:

1. Introduce the Lesson. 

Our Coaches and Program Directors introduce a topic with our students, for example, Goal Setting. Discussing the importance of goal setting and the steps students must take to reach their goals.

2. Utilize lacrosse/games to reinforce the lesson. 

Afterwards, we take the field to practice shooting techniques through a variety of drills and games, such as Give & Go’s and the “Power & Finesse” game.

3. Reflection

The group comes together to discuss what they learned, what they liked, and what we could do better to improve (as players, classmates, and as a team). Typically each lesson is taught and reinforced over a series of classes.