A New Beginning in Nicaragua

In December 2020 we were presented with the opportunity to change the location of our lacrosse programs. After some debate we made the decision to move practices and study hall hours in Chiquilistagua from the Public School to the nearby Catholic School, Niño Jesus de Praga. Here is what you can expect coming out of this new partnership.

  1. Upgraded Facilities: Partnering with the private school provides us access to nicer grass fields, a covered cement field, bigger classrooms for study hall hours, a computer lab, and Wi-Fi access on campus. This is a huge benefit for our student-athletes as it will provide enhanced resources to ensure academic success!

  2. No student-athlete loses lacrosse, study hall or scholarship opportunities. While we may be physically leaving the public school we are not leaving any student-athletes without access to our programs. Anyone who was enrolled with LtN at the public school will still be able to attend practice, study hall and be eligible for a scholarship. The biggest difference is the commute. Our new school is located just ½ mile from the public school.

  3. Exposure to new players: A new school means new players being introduced to lacrosse. In the first two weeks of school our coaches have hosted several introductory exhibitions open to all grades (K-11) with sign up forms waiting and ready at the end of each. So far the feedback has been incredible. We plan to follow that up with an introduction to lacrosse to the students during their PE classes.

While we are sad to be closing this chapter of our history with the public school, we are stoked to open a new one with Praga. We hope it will be even more beneficial to our student-athletes and allow us to introduce the sport to more young people. Eventually we hope to re-open programs at the public school and increase the amount of competition our players get!